The Event Loop
Most multimedia programs rely on an events system to process input. SDL provides a flexible API for processing input events. Essentially, SDL records input from devices (like the keyboard, mouse, or controller) as events, storing them in the "event queue." You can think of this structure just like a waiting line—events are queued in the back of the line and taken from the front of the line.

In your programs, you will always have an event (or "game," or "main") loop that processes these events and runs your program based on the input. Each time the event loop is run, you must pull each event off the event queue (in order) to process the input. This is done with the function SDL_PollEvent(). This function removes the first event from the queue, copying the value into a parameter of type SDL_Event. If the event queue was empty, the function will return 0.
Once you have polled your event, you can use it in a logic chain to deduce what the input was and how to respond.
SDL_Event ev; bool running = true; // Main loop while ( running ) { // Event loop while ( SDL_PolLEvent( &ev ) != 0 ) { // Test members of ev } // Wait before next frame SDL_Delay(100); }
SDL_Event contains one of any sub-event. This is possible through the use of a union. A union describes several mutually exclusive data members within a structure. This means the sub-event-types are all stored in the same memory, so SDL_Event can be flexible without wasting space. However, this system makes syntax slightly clunkier—to access the sub-event-data, one must first access the sub-event within SDL_Event.
For example, accessing a SDL_KeyboardEvent...
SDL_Event evt; SDL_PollEvent( &evt ); if (evt.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch ( evt.key.sym.sym ) { // Note evt.key accesses the real data, // the SDL_KeyboardEvent // ... } }
Your event loop will receive an event of type SDL_QUIT when the user wishes to close the program. This includes pressing the 'x' on the window, pressing ALT+F4, or otherwise requesting the program end. This does not include ending the process or sending CTRL+C to the console—those are uncontrolled, immediate aborts.
Hence, when your program receives an SDL_QUIT event, it should gracefully shut down (or prompt the user for more information). The type of an event is accessible through its "type" member.
SDL_Event ev; bool running = true; // Main loop while ( running ) { // Event loop while ( SDL_PolLEvent( &ev ) != 0 ) { // check event type switch (ev.type) { case SDL_QUIT: // shut down running = false; break; } } // Wait before next frame SDL_Delay(100); }
Keyboard Events
Keyboard events come in two flavors—SDL_KEYDOWN and SDL_KEYUP. Both of these types are associated SDL_KeyboardEvent, which includes a keycode and flags representing the input event.
Whether the key is pressed/released/repeated can be determined through the state and repeat members of SDL_KeyboardEvent, whereas the keycode and modifier keys are specified in the keysym member (SDL_Keysym).
SDL_Event ev; bool running = true; // Main loop while ( running ) { // Event loop while ( SDL_PolLEvent( &ev ) != 0 ) { // check event type switch (ev.type) { case SDL_QUIT: // shut down running = false; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: // test keycode switch ( ev.key.keysym.sym ) { case SDLK_w: break; case SDLK_s: break; // etc } break; } } // Wait before next frame SDL_Delay(100); }
Check out SDL_KeyboardEvent for more detail.
Keyboard Polling
There is a way to get keyboard input without the event system. This is by polling the keyboard directly. This is not recommended, as polling the keyboard gives you the state at that moment in time, not a log of each event that happened since the last poll. However, polling can still occasionally be useful, so SDL provides the function SDL_GetKeyboardState(). This function returns an array of values containing the key values. This array is persistent—and it will be updated as keyboard events are processed.
To access data within the key array, you can use a SDL_Scancode. Scancodes are like the key values from SDL_KeyboardEvent, but instead serve as indexes into the keyboard state array.
char* keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); // Test W key if ( keys[SDL_SCANCODE_W] ) { // ... }
Mouse Events
All types of events are similar to keyboard events in that they have the event type included with several data members describing the input. Mouse events can be of types SDL_MOUSEMOTION, SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP, and SDL_MOUSEWHEEL.
These types are associated with SDL_MouseButtonEvent, SDL_MouseMotionEvent, and SDL_MouseWheelEvent. All of these types include the x and y coordinates of the mouse event, as well as extra data and modifiers.
SDL_Event ev; bool running = true; // Main loop while ( running ) { // Event loop while ( SDL_PolLEvent( &ev ) != 0 ) { // check event type switch (ev.type) { case SDL_QUIT: // shut down running = false; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: // test keycode switch ( ev.key.keysym.sym ) { case SDLK_w: break; case SDLK_s: break; // etc } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: // test button switch ( ev.button.button ) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: break; case SDL_BUTTON_X1: break; // etc } } } // Wait before next frame SDL_Delay(100); }
Other Events
There are many other types of events that these notes won't cover. I highly recommend taking a look through the SDL documentation website to learn how to use these other types.
Event Types:
- SDL_TextEditingEvent
- SDL_TextInputEvent
- SDL_MouseMotionEvent
- SDL_MouseButtonEvent
- SDL_MouseWheelEvent
- SDL_JoyAxisEvent
- SDL_JoyBallEvent
User Events
One more short section—user defined events. SDL provides the structure SDL_UserEvent for this purpose; it has arbitrary data members for the user to specify. This structure is used in conjunction with SDL_RegisterEvents() and SDL_PushEvent().
SDL_RegisterEvents() is used to allocate a range of values for your user-defined event types. These numbers are used as the value of the "type" member of the generalized SDL_Event structure. SDL_PushEvent() allows you to add an event to the queue. This can include your user defined events.
int userType = SDL_RegisterEvents(1); if (userType == ((uint32_t) -1)) { // failure } SDL_Event ev; ev.type = userType; ev.user.code = someEvtCode; ev.user.data1 = &someData; ev.user.data2 = 0; SDL_PushEvent(&ev);